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Bahir Dar Directory : College

Amhara Management Institute
No More Registred College Business

Amhara Management Institute

P.O. Box: 1217
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia


(+251) 58-226-2405

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About Amhara Management Institute

Amhara Management Institute(AMI) is one of the Regional Government institute legally entrusted with the provision of Training, consultancy and Research to the developmental forces of the region, especially , for governmental offices under civil service so that the top leader and civil servants in place would serve the peoples with effective and efficient manner .

AMI was formerly called Management Training Center .It’s center was D/ Markos before it has given legal recognition in the Amhara Region. The Institution ,is a continuation of its antecedent known as Amhara Management Institution ,which was established in 1997 with proclamation No.21/1997 of Amhara Regional state.

The proclamation issued to establish the Amhara Management Institute is re- amended by proclamation No.95/2003.According to the re- amendment , ”Institution of Management “ which is established by article 3 of the 1997 proclamation referred to as “Training Institute of Management “ pursuant to that proclamation( No.95/2003).

The other issues need to make an amendment which indicated on this amendment is focuses on a manager appointment , to integrate the Institute with Higher Institution particularly which found in the region, and also to make designation and composition of the Advisory board of the training Institute.

AMI is located in Bahir Dar , the capital city of Amhara National Regional State. It is situated in the south east of the city near the main campus of B/Dar university.The Institution covers an area of 19 hectares and is one of most comfortable institution in the region. The buildings which is constructed in the place of near the great Abay river ( Blue Nile ), the gardening which impressed everybody is the main one to be AMI preferred.

AMI has 14 Master holders that is three from administration staff and 11 from academic staff. Most of them have done their Masters by leader ship and business management. In addition there are Bachelor holders estimated 16 in numbers (one is from academic staff) , 27 diploma holders , 7 are completed high school education and 1 is below high school among 65 permanent workers .Totally there are more than 152 workers found in AMI including temporary and daily based employed. 

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Amhara Management Institute
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

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Amhara Management Institute
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia


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