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United Arab Emirates Embassy

Nifas Silk Lafto, K-13, H no. 1826
P.O. Box: 22055
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


(+251) 11-320-3680
Fax: (+251) 11-320-3684

Contact Us / Contact the United Arab Emirates Embassy
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About United Arab Emirates Embassy

United Arab Emirates

Middle East, bordering the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf, between Oman and Saudi Arabia
Middle East
Major Urban Area:
ABU DHABI (capital) 942,000; Dubai 1.978 million; Sharjah 983,000 (2011)
Arabic (official), Persian, English, Hindi, Urdu
Ethnic Groups:
Emirati 19%, other Arab and Iranian 23%, South Asian 50%, other expatriates (includes Westerners and East Asians) 8% (1982)
Muslim (Islam; official) 76%, Christian 9%, other (primarily Hindu and Buddhist, less than 5% of the population consists of Parsi, Baha'i, Druze, Sikh, Ahmadi, Ismaili, Dawoodi Bohra Muslim, and Jewish) 15%
The Trucial States of the Persian Gulf coast granted the UK control of their defense and foreign affairs in 19th century treaties. In 1971, six of these states - Abu Dhabi, 'Ajman, Al Fujayrah, Ash Shariqah, Dubayy, and Umm al Qaywayn - merged to form the United Arab Emirates (UAE). They were joined in 1972 by Ra's al Khaymah. The UAE's per capita GDP is on par with those of leading West European nations. Its high oil revenues and its moderate foreign policy stance have allowed the UAE to play a vital role in the affairs of the region. For more than three decades, oil and global finance drove the UAE's economy. However, in 2008-09, the confluence of falling oil prices, collapsing real estate prices, and the international banking crisis hit the UAE especially hard. The UAE has essentially avoided the "Arab Spring" unrest seen elsewhere in the Middle East, though in March 2011, political activists and intellectuals signed a petition calling for greater public participation in governance that was widely circulated on the Internet. In an effort to stem potential further unrest, the government announced a multi-year, $1.6-billion infrastructure investment plan for the poorer northern emirates and aggressively pursued advocates of political reform.
1,318 km
desert; cooler in eastern mountains
flat, barren coastal plain merging into rolling sand dunes of vast desert wasteland; mountains in east
Natural Resources:
petroleum, natural gas
Source : CIA The World Factbook



United Arab Emirates Embassy
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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United Arab Emirates Embassy
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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