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Tanzania Embassy

Bole KK, Kebele- 03/05, H. No. 2213
P.O. Box: 1077
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


(+251) 11-663-4353
Fax: (+251) 11-662-7882

Contact Us / Contact the Tanzania Embassy
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About Tanzania Embassy


Eastern Africa, bordering the Indian Ocean, between Kenya and Mozambique
Major Urban Area:
DAR ES SALAAM (capital) 3.588 million (2011)
Kiswahili or Swahili (official), Kiunguja (name for Swahili in Zanzibar), English (official, primary language of commerce, administration, and higher education), Arabic (widely spoken in Zanzibar), many local languages
Ethnic Groups:
mainland - African 99% (of which 95% are Bantu consisting of more than 130 tribes), other 1% (consisting of Asian, European, and Arab); Zanzibar - Arab, African, mixed Arab and African
mainland - Christian 30%, Muslim 35%, indigenous beliefs 35%; Zanzibar - more than 99% Muslim
Shortly after achieving independence from Britain in the early 1960s, Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged to form the nation of Tanzania in 1964. One-party rule ended in 1995 with the first democratic elections held in the country since the 1970s. Zanzibar's semi-autonomous status and popular opposition led to two contentious elections since 1995, which the ruling party won despite international observers' claims of voting irregularities. The formation of a government of national unity between Zanzibar's two leading parties succeeded in minimizing electoral tension in 2010.
1,424 km
varies from tropical along coast to temperate in highlands
plains along coast; central plateau; highlands in north, south
Natural Resources:
hydropower, tin, phosphates, iron ore, coal, diamonds, gemstones, gold, natural gas, nickel
Source : CIA The World Factbook



Tanzania Embassy
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Tanzania Embassy
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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