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Switzerland Embassy

Old Airport Lideta Kifle Ketema Kebele 02/03
P.O. Box: 1106
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


(+251) 11-371-1107
Fax: (+251) 11-371-2177

Contact Us / Contact the Switzerland Embassy
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About Switzerland Embassy


8,061,516 (July 2014 est.)
Central Europe, east of France, north of Italy
Major Urban Area:
Zurich 1.194 million; BERN (capital) 353,000 (2011)
German (official) 64.9%, French (official) 22.6%, Italian (official) 8.3%, Serbo-Croatian 2.5%, Albanian 2.6%, Portuguese 3.4%, Spanish 2.2%, English 4.6%, Romansch (official) 0.5%, other 5.1%
Ethnic Groups:
German 65%, French 18%, Italian 10%, Romansch 1%, other 6%
Roman Catholic 38.2%, Protestant 26.9%, Muslim 4.9%, other Christian 5.7%, other 1.6%, none 21.4%, unspecified 1.3% (2012 est.)
The Swiss Confederation was founded in 1291 as a defensive alliance among three cantons. In succeeding years, other localities joined the original three. The Swiss Confederation secured its independence from the Holy Roman Empire in 1499. A constitution of 1848, subsequently modified in 1874, replaced the confederation with a centralized federal government. Switzerland's sovereignty and neutrality have long been honored by the major European powers, and the country was not involved in either of the two world wars. The political and economic integration of Europe over the past half century, as well as Switzerland's role in many UN and international organizations, has strengthened Switzerland's ties with its neighbors. However, the country did not officially become a UN member until 2002. Switzerland remains active in many UN and international organizations but retains a strong commitment to neutrality.
0 km (landlocked)
temperate, but varies with altitude; cold, cloudy, rainy/snowy winters; cool to warm, cloudy, humid summers with occasional showers
mostly mountains (Alps in south, Jura in northwest) with a central plateau of rolling hills, plains, and large lakes
Natural Resources:
hydropower potential, timber, salt
Source : CIA The World Factbook



Switzerland Embassy
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Switzerland Embassy
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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