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Portugal Embassy

Dembel City Center – 8th floor Bole Road
P.O. Box: 438
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


(+251) 11-552-6899
Fax: (+251) 11-552-6887

Contact Us / Contact the Portugal Embassy
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Portugal Embassy Map
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About Portugal Embassy


10,813,834 (July 2014 est.)
Southwestern Europe, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, west of Spain
Major Urban Area:
LISBON (capital) 2.843 million; Porto 1.367 million (2011)
Portuguese (official), Mirandese (official, but locally used)
Ethnic Groups:
homogeneous Mediterranean stock; citizens of black African descent who immigrated to mainland during decolonization number less than 100,000; since 1990 East Europeans have entered Portugal
Roman Catholic 81%, other Christian 3.3%, other (includes Jewish, Muslim, other) 0.6%, none 6.8%, unspecified 8.3%
Following its heyday as a global maritime power during the 15th and 16th centuries, Portugal lost much of its wealth and status with the destruction of Lisbon in a 1755 earthquake, occupation during the Napoleonic Wars, and the independence of Brazil, its wealthiest colony, in 1822. A 1910 revolution deposed the monarchy; for most of the next six decades, repressive governments ran the country. In 1974, a left-wing military coup installed broad democratic reforms. The following year, Portugal granted independence to all of its African colonies. Portugal is a founding member of NATO and entered the EC (now the EU) in 1986.
1,793 km
maritime temperate; cool and rainy in north, warmer and drier in south
mountainous north of the Tagus River, rolling plains in south
Natural Resources:
fish, forests (cork), iron ore, copper, zinc, tin, tungsten, silver, gold, uranium, marble, clay, gypsum, salt, arable land, hydropower
Source : CIA The World Factbook



Portugal Embassy
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Portugal Embassy
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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