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Chebera Chorchora National Park

Chebera Chorchora National Park is a newly established National Park located in Konta Woreda, Dawro Zone. It is 480 km south of Addis on the Addis–Jimma-Chida-Ameya road. It has a total area of 11,900 ha and elevations range from 500-2000 masl. This park used to be part of the Kulo KontaControlled Hunting Area specifically set to hunt Elephants. The decline of Elephants in Africa and the need to conserve a representative area where this species could be protected in Ethiopia is a leading objective for its establishment. It was upgraded to the status of a national park in 2005 after deliberations and discussions with the local community. Rainfall ranges from 1200 mm to 2300 mm per annum and temperature ranges from 10 to 29 0C. Wet seasons are from March to September and the dry season extends from December to February. Four major vegetation zones, grasslands, woodlands, mountain forests and riverine forests, have beendescribed for the area. Dominant woody vegetation includes Ficus spp., Combretum spp., Ehertia spp and Albizia spp. The natural forests have non-timber forest products of economical value including Coffee, Coriander and Piper sp. Chebera Chorchora provides refuge to 37 species of larger mammals. Besides Elephants, the park has populations of Buffalo,Greater Kudu, Defassa Waterbuck, Lion, Leopard, Serval Cats, Hippopotamus and Warthog. It also has 140 species of birds of which 5 are endemic to the country.

Unique features - So far, 37 larger mammals and 237 species of birds have been recorded in the different habitats (Highland & Rverine forest and savanna and bush lands) of the park. White-cliff chat, banded-barbet, wattled ibis, black-headed forest Oriole and thick billed Raven are endemic birds for the country. Common mammals include the African elephant, hippopotamus, Cape buffalo, lion, and leopard. The Zigna River, several lakes, waterfalls including a hot spring form hydrological features in the park. The Zigna River is an important tributary of the Omo River. The presence of natural caves is an added attraction.

Scenic value - This park is one of the relatively untouched, recently discovered and rich wilderness areas but the list visited and known park in the country. The park comprises unique and attractive mountain closed forest, closed tall-grassed savannah habitat, thick woodland forest. The landscape very fascinating highly rugged, undulating to rolling plains there a number of hilly & mountainous land which the whole year covered by vegetations. A number of cold & hot springs, historical caves, the Meka Forest (which is always with African Elephants). The park is the best site to see the African Elephants, and Buffalo.

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