Please note, some phrases translation could be wrong

Create Free Web Page for Your Business in Ethiopia in Less than 5 Minutes
በኢትዮጵያ የሚገኝ የንግድ ውይም የመስራቤቶን ድህረገፅ በአምስት ደቂቃ ባልሞላ ጊዜ በነፃ ስሩ

Now you are here, registering your business or business that you know in your area is very simple. Please follow this easy steps. If you need help, please tell us using the contact us link. The service is totally FREE.

በአካባቢዎ የሚያውቋቸውን ወይም የራስዎን የንግድ ድርጅቶች መመዝገብና ድረ-ገጽ መክፈት በጣም ቀላል ነው. እባክዎ ይህን ቀላል ሂደት ይከተሉ. እርዳታ ከፈለጉ ይሄን የመልክት መጠየቂያ በመጠቀም ይንገሩን - contact us

  • Creating the business web page is as simple as filling the inputs in step 1 and 2. You can come back to finish the remaining steps at any time. It's your web page.
  • If you own or manage the business, please keep your page upto date with the correct information.
  • If you are just submitting the local business that you know of, Thank You for doing this. We need our members participation to keep accurate record of the local businesses.
  • Please tell your friends to do the same. Together, we help local businesses to have online presence at no cost.

1 Select the Business Location - Ethiopia City / Town ( አድራሻ ከተማ ይምረጡ )

If your town is not in the list, please let us know using this contact us link and we will add your town in the list promptly.

2 Create the Business Web Page - Basic Data ( ዋና መረጃዎችን አስገቡ )

These are the minimum information needed to create your business web page. It is as simple as filling this few required inputs.

* Required Field

Use comma for multiple phones, like 251 47 123 4567, 251 47 321 7654, etc

Choose the closest business category that matches your business. If nothing matches, please let us know using the contact us link.

3 Enter Contact Information - Email, PO Box, ... ( ንግድ / መስራቤት መገናኛ አድራሻ )

Please enter all available information. Leave blank if you do not have or know any of the requested data.

Show/Hide አምሃሪክ ኪይቦርድ

Use comma for multiple fax numbers, like 251 47 123 4567, 251 47 321 7654, etc

Please provide a valid business email address. Without email, you will not be able to interact with your customers and visitors directly.

4 Business Detail Description ( ንግድ / መስራቤት መግለጫ )

Please provide a detail description of your business - what do you do? what do you want visitors to read or learn about your business?

Leave blank if you do not want to write this section now. You can add the details at a later time.

Feel free to use the text formating styles for better presentation.

5 Upload Business Photos / ፎቶ አስገቡ

Remember the phrase 'a picture is worth a thousand words'. Please upload good quality pictures to better introduce your business to online visitors and customers.

  • Upload high-resolution business images.
  • No obscene image is allowed.
  • Respect the privacy of others.

Upload Business Photos / ፎቶ አስገቡ

Upload pictures that best represent the business. You are allowed to upload multiple pictures (limit 40).
( max allowed 20 characters )

Add Business Logo or Default Picture Here / አርማ ወይም የፍለፊት ፎቶ

Business logo or picture that you want to display at the top of the business web page.

6 Locate Your Business on a Map

Locate your business on a map based on the latitude and longitude geolocation.

Default values shown below places your business at the center of the town. Please update with the correct location if possible. Otherwise, leave it as is.

If you are using a mobile device, use your current location by clicking the button below or use the interactive map shown below (method 2). The data will automatically gets displayed in the input field when you click method-1 button or a point on the map.

Need Help Locating Your Business on a Map?

Follow one of the following steps to get the latitude and longitude of your business location at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Method 1)

This takes your location based on PC IP address or your mobile phone GPS locator.
Use mobile browser for better location accuracy. This may not work depending on your browser setting.

ያሉበት ቦታ በኮምፒተ ወይም በሟባይል ስልክ አድራሻ ይጠቀሙ

Your current location is (ያሉበት ቦታ ):

Click the above button to get your latitude and longitude position

Method 2)
Obtain the latitude and longitude of your business location manually following these three easy steps :
1) Select the business city from the dropdown menu above. This center the map to the selected city.
2) Use your mouse to zoom in and zoom out the map, and locate your business. Use landmark places as reference.
3) Move the mouse over the business location and then click to record the latitude and longitude in the input field of the form.
Current Mouse Location Tracker
Lat Lng:
Mouse Clicked Location:

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